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other projects.

Pixel Apocalypse

This is probably the most fleshed out of these older projects.

Multiple playable characters and viruses, an in-game wiki, an upgrade system, a custom camera system and an 'antivirus vs. viruses' theme and aesthetic.


It also had a randomised and dynamic soundtrack which I am still quite proud of today. The music would get more intense alongside the gameplay but the track would be built up dynamically and randomly using different instrument loops.


I tried to put this through Steam Greenlight (back when that was still the way to get onto Steam). Needless to say it didn't get onto the platform but I learnt a lot in the working towards that goal.

Mars Jump (mobile)

Mars Jump was a simple endless runner with a cute art style (the character art was a collaboration with my dad). I had the goal of releasing a game to mobile.

It was released for Android on the Google Play Store in 2016 (no longer live).

Made with Unity and integrating the Android sdk.


  • An easy one touch control scheme.

  • Ad integration

  • Recorded and serialised highscores.

  • Async loading between scenes


This was my first time really diving into optimisation (a necessary practice for mobile).

Whole New Ball Game

My first attempt at a game with a series of levels and a progressing difficulty curve. At this point I was very aware of the dangers of 'scope-creep' - I tired to keep the concept simple and implement new mechanics over the course of the levels and then fully explore the mechanic before moving on.

Exploring a mechanic as thoroughly as possible is a practice I still try to maintain today.

Fire and Spikes

Fire and Spikes was my first game project. It's nothing impressive but I am most proud of my commitment to completing it. It took me a year to complete - I did all the modeling, and animation and put the game together in Unity back when Unity was still using their modified 'JavaScript'. I was 14 at the time.


I have a funny retrospective on this project. I didn't know anything about Unity's update method so I unknowingly used recursion to make my own repetitive checks every few milliseconds. It was incredibly inefficient and funny to look back on now.

Rage Ball

After Fire and Spikes took me a year I really wanted to churn out a new game quickly.

My second project, a simple highscore game call Rage Ball, took me 1 months.


This game really shows its age now in its aesthetic.

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